Incense and Meditation

Incense and Meditation

Incense has been considered as one of the oldest and strongest tools in the field of meditation, to disassociate the mind from the body and to heighten consciousness. Incense is also a great natural mood equalizer.

Human bodies are based on the principles of the 5 elements of nature. According to the science of Yoga, the 5 elements of nature govern the 7 Chakras of the human body. Each chakra reacts differently with aromas and fragrances.

  • First Chakra: Located at the base of the spine and the back of the knees. Its Sanskrit name is Muladhara, meaning, “root support.” It is associated with the colour red, the element of earth, and the sense of smell.
  • Second Chakra: Located between the pubic bone and the naval. Its Sanskrit name is Svadhishthana, meaning, “dwelling place of the self.” It is associated with the colour orange, the element water, and the sense of taste.
  • Third Chakra: Located in the solar plexus, the lumbar spine, and the umbilicus. Its Sanskrit name is Manipura, meaning “city of jewels.” It is associated with the colour yellow, the element fire, and the sense of sight. This chakra is also associated with digestion.
  • Fourth Chakra: This energy centre is located between the shoulder blades, the heart region, and the palms of the hands. Its Sanskrit name is Anahata, meaning, “unstruck.” Mostly known as the Heart Chakra and associated with the colour green, it activates the sense of touch.
  • Fifth Chakra: This energy centre is located at the back of the neck and throat region. Its Sanskrit name is Vishuddha, meaning “pure.” Mostly known as the Throat Chakra and associated with the colour blue and the element ether or space, it activates the sense of hearing and speaking. This chakra purifies communication and speech patterns.
  • Sixth Chakra: This energy centre is located on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Its Sanskrit name is Ajna, meaning “command” or “perception.” Known as the Third Eye, the colour indigo/cobalt transcends the elements and activates the physical senses, opening the gateway to cosmic attunement.
  • Seventh Chakra: This energy centre is located at the top of the head. Its Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, meaning “thousand-petaled lotus.” Known as the Crown Chakra, this chakra is associated with the colour violet, and reaches beyond space and time into the highest realms of the infinite and eternal.

Check out our incense range - Silk Route which contains beautiful blends of natural oils and herbs along with the highly sought after and prized Oud or Agarwood. 

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